
Collections available: No
Available payment types: Local
Transfer fee: £
Local payment limit: MYR 500,000


Payment type Sell currency Cut off time (GMT) Delivery time frame
Local EUR 16:30 1 day
Local GBP 16:30 1 day
Local USD 16:30 1 day


Required details


Regular Payment

Name Individual Company
beneficiary_entity_type Yes Yes
beneficiary_first_name Yes No
beneficiary_last_name Yes No
beneficiary_company_name No Yes
beneficiary_address Yes Yes
beneficiary_city Yes Yes
beneficiary_country Yes Yes
payer_entity_type Yes Yes
payer_first_name Yes No
payer_last_name Yes No
payer_company_name No Yes
payer_identification_type Yes Yes
payer_identification_value Yes Yes
payer_address Yes Yes
payer_city Yes Yes
payer_country Yes Yes
acct_number Yes Yes
bic_swift Yes Yes
payment_purpose_code Yes Yes


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